Terms of Participation

  • Ambassadors should always identify themselves by including #BrassCraftChampion on every post related to the program.
  • Content should be consistent, professional, respectful and authentic.
  • Membership is renewable year-to-year for Champions who actively participate and comply with the terms of participation.
  • If at some point you are no longer able to be an active Champion, we understand. You may withdraw from the program by notifying us in writing.
  • Ambassadors will ensure that all posts and/or communications with followers and other third parties related to the Program comply with all terms and conditions of any applicable website or social media site (including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube).
  • Ambassadors will comply with the FTC’s Guidelines for Endorsements and Testimonials for all posts and/or communications related to the Ambassador Program. In particular, Ambassador agrees to disclose that he/she received free product for review or for a project, when applicable. Ambassador is responsible for the content and format of such disclosures. Additional guidance is available here.
  • Company reserves the right to amend or discontinue the Program at any time.

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